It was weird... while I was sitting in class yesterday, I was looking at everyone's blogs (yes, instead of paying attention to my professor who was droning of about kidney failure), and decided it was time to share my thoughts in amore formal setting rather than just commenting on various blogs from time to time (which I'll still do by the way).
Anyway, after the results of the election came out last night, the first thing I thought was, "Well I guess it's time to move to Canada." Then, after a few text messages back & forth to Emily, I was feeling so bad that I needed to pull out my scriptures to get me into a better mood. I usually let them fall open and just start reading unless I'm following a particular train of thought. I thought it interesting that it fell open to the beginning of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon.
As I started to read, I thought of the similarities and differences to our time. The big similarity that came to me was that King Benjamin is getting ready to pass on, and he wants to gather his people for one last speech and introduce Mosiah as the new king. I immediately thought of the election and how everyone was getting together yesterday to elect a new leader of our country. Then I thought of how at that time there was no discord among the people of Zarahemla and everyone was on the right path. I then thought how with the way things are headed in our time, we aren't too far off from perfect harmony as well. (after alot of turmoil, that is...)
As I kept reading I noticed a good verse that was able to help me look at our time in a new light. Mosiah 2:22 says, "And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you." It told me that no matter what happens in this country, as long as I do what I'm supposed to, my family and I will be taken care of.
I didn't need to read much further.
I don't think that all my blogs will be this poignant, but I felt I should share my thoughts. (And yes, I'm writing this in class.)
1 year ago
The election didn't quite go the way I wanted it to either, but I am determined to believe that all of the people who voted for Barak Obama are not evil in the sense that King Mosiah meant. Therefore, we have not been dumped into a pit of despair.
There has been a shift in emphasis in this country which, in the end, will prove to be beneficial. Either we will be blessed for our efforts or we will learn from our mistakes. In either case we come out ahead. What makes this country great is that there is room in it for all of us. That is the essence of the "great experiment" with democracy.
Welcome to the "club" !!
I explained to my kids this morning that Barack Obama was President. Which was followed by moans and groans from the peanut gallery. I immediately told them that Barack Obama was our President whether we liked it or not and we need to support him as such. I explained that we should all pray for him to lead our country for good. They all agreed that that was a good idea. I'm amazed I came up with it.
...but to be blessed as a student you should probably not blog during class time . . . LOL
P.S. You can add Calvin comic strips every day--they never get old or tiresome!
Yeah! I'm glad you decided to start up a blog too! I'm finding it a rather fun and inexpensive way of keeping in contact with others.
I like the scripture you shared, as the only one that came to my mind was the one found in Mosiah 29:26-27, which in essance talks of the great destruction that will come upon the land when the voice of the people choose iniquity. (Not that I think that those who voted for Obama are openly choosing iniquity, but it does leave us more vulnerable to a more corrupt government in that there no longer seems to be much of a checks and balance system left because Barak will most likely put in a few liberal Supreme Court Justices, which would then give the Democrats all 3 branches of the government. With greater power comes a greater likelyhood of corruption, no matter who is in power. I also fear that this whole financial failure, the bailout of Fanny May and Freddie Mack, as well as some of the banking industry, will leave our country open to too much big government.)
I think Jenny is right, we do need to pray. And, as long as we do that and stay obedient like the scripture you quoted says, we will be doing our part to keep us in the hands of The Lord. Remember Lot in the Bible? Abraham was promised that if he could find at least 10 righteous souls in Sodom and Gomorrah The Lord wouldn't destroy It? Then, when 10 couldn't be found, Lot and his family were led to safely when they followed The Lord's instructions. So, should the time come when the majority of our citizens openly choose iniquity, we can feel assured that we will be cared for by Heavenly Father. Ah...., I can breath better now that I realize that! :)
Thanks Ben! That was a good scripture to quote. I also had the thought that the righteous need not fear. So, inspite of what may happen, we will be taken care of ultimately.
Oh, GOOD!! Calvin and Hobbs EVERY DAY!!!
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